Who We Are
The Skaha Kennel Club was first formed by a few energetic members in 1978 and has continued to grow through out the years.
Our annual All Breed show is held every September and attracts dog fanciers from all parts of Canada and America.
Our members compete in Conformation, Obedience and Rally Obedience, as well as Agility, Field Trials and Tracking.
Our jurisdiction is from Summerland to Osoyoos.
What We Do
We advance and promote the breeding of purebred dogs in Conformation, Obedience and other events sanctioned by the Canadian Kennel Club.
In addition to our 3 day All Breed Show in Summerland in September, we hold breed displays, Canine Good Neighbour testing, visit care home facilities, and hold handling classes in Conformation and competitive Obedience and Rally Obedience.
Through out the winter months, we hold conformation classes and obedience correction matches at Kaleden Hall or Summerland Youth Center. In the warmer months, we use Okanagan Lake Park, next to the Penticton Art Gallery. Classes are semi structured and we try to have seminars as well. For more info on classes, please see the Contact Us section.